Random Act of Kindness GIVEAWAY

PhotobucketHi there, Peeps!! We've had a major malfunction at Beachy House! However,
not to fear. I've got a GIVEAWAY to save the day.

All you have to do is:

1. Tell me your favorite Christian song---Mine is "In Christ Alone" by Michael English

2. Tell me your favorite Christian artist--Mine is "Phillips, Craig and Dean"

Isn't that easy? Leave me some way to contact you. The contest ends with my post to announce the winner on Monday night, Memorial Day 2008.

Drumroll...............the giveaway is.........A $200.00 GIFTCARD TO TARGET. I KNOW!!!!

Have a great Memorial Day!!


Sierra said...

Favorite Christian Song...
Welcome Home, by Shaun Groves

Favorite Christian Artist...


Jeni said...

Favorite song: East to West, by Casting Crowns

Favorite artist: Casting Crowns

Howdy said...

How Great Thou Art - written by Carl Gustav Boberg

Sung by any church full of Christians

A close second would be The Old Rugged Cross - sung by the same folks

Anonymous said...

Song: I Can Only Imagine

Artist: Mercyme

Karin said...

Amazing Grace--various artists.

Michael W. Smith

Anonymous said...

Did Beachy Mimi win the lottery or something?

Or maybe it's coming out of Queen B's inheritance??

Well, count me IN.

Favorite Christian song - Sustain by Seth Condrey

Favorite Christian - Seth Condrey (but also Desperation Band) Both are on my Playlist on my blog.

Wow - this is pretty HUGE for your first giveaway, QM.

I'm therefore expecting BIG things from you from here on out.

momof2 said...

Amazing Grace will always be my favorite Christian Song. I also love "I Can Only Imagine." I am embarrassed to admit that although I love Christian music, I'm not very up on the names of the artists/bands who sing them so I really don't have a favorite Christian artist or band.

Nicole said...

Beachy Mimi, you are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I like crazy when it involves Target.

And the P, C & D version of "In Christ Alone" gets me every. single. time.

This is tough!

Fave song: Voice of Truth

Artist: Chris Tomlin

This is like asking me to decide on my favorite kid--impossible! (but i would do just about anything for a giveaway like this!;)

katy said...

Great giveaway!
Favorite song: In the Garden

Favorite singer: Amy Grant

Terri said...

Favorite Christian Song ... I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me
Favorite Artist: Mercy Me

Kat Bryan said...

My favorite song is Amazing Grace but I don't have a favorite Christian singer.

Larena said...

My favorite song is Amazing Grace by Chris Thomlin

Favorite artist is Michael W. Smith

Amy said...

Favorite Song (currently) is "Glory" by Selah.

Favorite Christian artist: there are almost too many to name, but one of my all time favorites is "Point of Grace"!

Thanks for a neat giveaway!


Keepin' It Real said...

My favorite Christian song would be I Can Only Imagine, by MercyMe...another favorite is You Raise Me Up, by Josh Grobin.


ReadingIsSoMuchFun said...

Hi Mimi,

Great contest. I just found your blog through Google :-) saving it to my favorite's.

My favorite Christian Song is: The Struggle Is Over By: Youth for Christ

My favorite Christian artist is Kirk Franklin & Donnie McClurkin.

readingissomuchfun at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh girl! What a give a way! I love traditional hymns...I have a CD prayerfulmoods..and I love the song In the Garden. It is performed my Jonathan

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a very generous giveaway!

My favorite Christian song--- Who Am I by Casting Crowns

My favorite Christian artist-- Casting Crowns

Lauren said...

favorite Christian song: Alas and Did My Savior Bleed by Isaac Watts (although I prefer the Indelible Grace tune)

favorite Christian artist: Sandra McCracken

Erin K. said...

Really? I have to choose just ONE? I don't know if these are truly my #1 favs, but they are the ones that currently come to mind...

Song: Blessed be Your Name
Artist: Chris Tomlin

Anonymous said...

Favorite Christian Song.. I've Got A Mansion, by various artists. Favorite Christian Artist... Casting Crowns. By the way, I love your blog, Quirky, Funny, and just plain good reading. Keep up the good work.:) Karen

Anonymous said...

Favorite Christian Song..His Strenghth is Perfect

Favortie Christian Singer..Steven Curtis Chapman--I've grown up with him!

Thanks!! Your blog is quite fun!

Unknown said...

favorite song: amazing grace
favorite artist: jeremy camp

Anonymous said...

Favorite Song: Dive

Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman

Melissa Stover said...

that's an extreme act of kindness!
my favorite song is everlasting god by chris tomlin and my favorite artist is hmmmm, that's a hard one. i really like michael w. smith. but so many more too.

Anonymous said...

This is hard to narrow down-
Jeremy Camp- Take you Back is one of my favorites!

Michelle@Life with Three said...

Favorite Christian song is an old one, "His eye is on the sparrow." I LOVE that song. It always brings me to tears. Favorite Christian artist? I love Rachel Lampa.

Thanks for the chance to win! I love your blog design, btw!

Anonymous said...

Favorite Christian Song:
He Is All You Need by Steve Camp

Favorite Christian Artist:
Steven Curtis Chapman


Thanks Beachy Mimi. You are fun!!

Loving Our Homeschool said...

Oh dear, I am so terrible at remembering the titles of songs! And asking me who sings them, sheesh, I'm really super bad at that!!

Right now I have two favorites, I think. "Beautiful You" and "Hallelujah Jesus" both by Monk & Neagle.

I like a lot of Christian Artists: Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, PC&D (like you said), Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, Nicole C. Mullin (I think I spelled her name right). I like them all, I just never remember what they sing! LOL

Your blog makes me laugh all the time, by the way. :o) And what a super nice giveaway!


Loving Our Homeschool said...

Oh, my contact info is on my blog page. :o)

Just in case I win. :o)


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You are incredibly generous!

Favorite Christian song...
Wonderful, Merciful Savior by Selah

Favorite Christian artist...
Fernando Ortega

Anonymous said...

my favorite song is My Savior my God by Aaron Shust, and
my favorite band is casting crowns. and I love target!!

Karen said...

"How Great Thou Art"...Elvis!
I get chills and tears EVERY time.

Lisa said...

Favorite song:Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin

Favorite artist: Dino

Fresh Girl said...

Good heavens, what a giveaway!

Favorite song: Hard for me to choose between "Victory in Jesus" and "Haven of Rest."

Favorite artist: Steven Curtis Chapman, bless his and his family's heart. :(


Thanks, Beachy Mimi! ;)

The (Almost) Amazing Mammarino said...

Hi Beachy Mimi!

I love your blog! You are so much fun!

Hmm . . so many choices!

Favorite Christian Song - "How Great Is Our God"

Favorite Christian Artist - Hillsong (or any group that just lets loose with praise for the Lord!)

Anonymous said...

My favorite song is "Untitled Hymn" by Chris Rice. My favorite Christian Artist is the Newsboys.

You are so generous!


Anonymous said...

I Can Only Imagine

Michael W. Smith


Kristen said...

oh my! My face song is Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman who is also my favorite artist!

What a sweet prize !

Amy Bennett said...

Hm, that's a tough one. Right now I'm loving the song Somewhere in the Middle by Casting Crowns.

I love all of Shane & Shane's music.

Julie said...

Hi! Came over from Queen B's blog! My favorite Christian song is...The Blessing by John Waller (for right now - it changes a lot - I have lots of favorites!)
And my favorite Christian artist is...Caedmon's Call.

Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
3cookieday at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Casting Crowns is my favorite group.

East to West is my favorite song.



Erin said...

Favorite Song: "All I Ever Have to Be" by Amy Grant

Favorite Artist: Nichole Nordeman

What a great giveaway!

Rhonda said...

My favorite Christian song....To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice by Keith Green.

My favorite Christian artist....Casting Crowns.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Song: Amazing Love/You Are My King

Favorite Artist: Avalon

(I think QB would rather you just gave her the $200!! :)


a Tonggu Momma said...

Take My Hand by Shawn McDonald

Lisa said...

Favorite Christian Song is,
I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me
Favorite Artist is Mercy Me

SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

Good night nurse! This is some giveaway!

My favorite Christian song---Mine is "Amazing Grace - my chains are gone version" by Chris Tomlin

My favorite Christian artist-- "The Martins"

Sarah said...

Favorite Christian song - Lamb of God - I think it was written by Twila Paris.

Favorite artist - any large group of Christians singing praises to God - accapella.

Emily said...

One of my favorite Christian songs right now is the Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus) by Chris Rice. Chris Rice is my favorite Christian artist at the moment.

Shauna said...

Mine is Bring the Rain by Mercy Me. It has played a huge role in my marriage over the past year. Huge role. (Well, not the song exactly - but God's power through anything)

Anonymous said...

Song = "Hide" by Joy Williams

Artist(s) = Joy Williams, Casting Crowns, Natalie Grant....there are so many!

What a great giveaway!


Christi said...

I heart Target! I could do some serious damage with $200! What a great giveaway!

My favorite Christian Song is You Raise Me Up.

My favorite Christian Artist is Selah.

Thank you Beachy Mimi!

michellenotdawn said...

Favorite Song - Vision of You by Shane & Shane

Favorite Artist - Chris Tomlin

Kelly @ Love Well said...

This is INSANITY, Mimi.

Incidentally, that's my favorite Christian song.


Just kidding. My favorite song is actually "Deep" by Steven Curtis Chapman, who is also my favorite artist.

And if I win, I promise to buy your wonderful daughter something. Just because I feel bad that she's excluded.

racheariel said...

your daughter thinks you're crazy for giving this away - i think you're great! thanks!

problem is...I'm Jewish, so no Christian songs for me (unless you count the Christmas carols that I went to a church in Jerusalem to hear this year).

My favorite Jewish song is Nachamu, by Safam.
rachel :)

Julie said...

Favorite Song... Who Am I?

Favorite Artist... Casting Crowns



Vicky said...

Favorite Christian Song....
Bring the Rain by MercyMe

Favorite Christian Artist:
(at the moment) DownHere
(all time) Caedmon's Call


Jackie said...

Oh wow...are you serious? This is some giveaway! :)

My fave song of all time....His Eye is on the Sparrow.

Fave artist: Chris Rice

Thank you so much for hosting this! And thanks to QB for pointing us over here, even though she is obviously bitter about it. :)

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Let's see... favorite artist... Michael W. Smith. Favorite song... "Awesome God."

Fun giveaway. :)

Angela S said...

I don't have a favorite song but I do like Amy Grant and Stephen Curtis Chapman. Thanks for the offer!

Unknown said...

Song: Saviour Like a Shephard Lead Us because it reminds me of my Grammy and Artist: Steve Green. I love your blog because I love all Grandparents! Especially fun ones like you. Happy Memorial Day. Welcome to the blogging world. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Christian Song:
Knees to the Earth by Watermark

Favorite Singer: (very hard to pick) Mercy Me


Jen said...

Hmmmm. Got think about this one.

Favourite song: "If I Stand" by Rich Mullins.

Favourite Christian Artist: Chris Tomlin

Favourite place to shop: Target. :)

Beth said...

Hi there ~ been enjoying your blog via your daughter's. Both put a smile on my face every single day.

Favorite song: In Christ Alone (especially when it builds to "Up from the grave He rose again!" - gives me goosebumps just typing it, lol)

Favorite artist: Third Day.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Christian song: "How you Live" by Point of Grace
Favorite Artist: Point of Grace

Tami said...

So hard to pick one!

Artist(s): Amy Grant
Michael W.Smith
Mercy Me

Favorite Song(s): El Shaddai, I Can Only Imagine and several old hymns!

~Nancy~ said...

Favorite Christian Song : It Is Well With My Soul - sung by anyone, but mostly me.

Favorite Christian Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman

Thanks and blessings for SUCH a generous prize opportunity. (Your sweet Girl sent me!) ;)
Happy Memorial Day!

Lori said...

My fav christian song is "Thy Word" by Amy Grant. She is also my favorite artist. My dad took me to see her in concert (my first) when I was in high school. It was on a school night two hours away and he still took me. I thought he was a hero!

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

$200 from TARGET?? WOW!

Favorite Christian Song @ the moment: AMAZING GRACE by Chris Tomlin

Favorite Christian Artist: Casting Crowns

happygeek said...

Fave song:
You are Holy (along with 7000 others)

Fave artist:
Whoever I am listening to at the time.

Anonymous said...

Does a hymn count?
"I Stand All Amazed"
Favorite artist: Liz Lemon Swindle

Cactusflower said...

I love "Amazing Grace" and "I can only imagine" also, but I would have to say "El Shaddai" by Amy Grant and that is both of my answers. ;)

Thank you for this great first giveaway!

I hope whatever went wrong for you is righted now!

Momma Jones said...

Favorite Christian song: I Still Believe

Favorite Christian artist: Jeremy Camp

Anonymous said...

Favorite artist is Rich Mullins.

Favorite song is "The Just Shall Live," Rich Mullins.

rtwiggins AT gmail DOT com. :)

Anonymous said...

You've got me coming out of lurkdom early!

Lord of the Dance
Every Move I Make (Waves of Mercy)

I can't choose just one artist. But my favorite version of Every Move I Make is actually on a kid's CD!


Wishing Flower said...

Favorite Christian Song...
Redeemer, by Nicole Mullen

Favorite Christian Artist...


kamewh said...

Song: I Can Only Imagine

Artist: Mercy Me

Thank you for the giveaway!

Karen said...

At this moment (because it's always changin', just like my mind) my favorite song is "I will lift my eyes" and favorite artist is Bebo Norman. (because he has a cool name and he sings the song.)

Kari said...

Song - Amazing Grace
Artist - Josh Groban.

Thank you!!

RR Mama said...

OK Mimi, this is so hard. I have so many! Since I have to pick one here they are.
Song...Between The Alter and The Door
Artist...Jars of Clay

Toystory said...

A Mighty Fortress is Our God....and I really like Sandi Patty. -- My kids (bless their hearts) used to let me sing to her songs -- and tell me I sounded just like her (Not!)... :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing Grace

Shaun Groves

The Buntens said...

Favorite Christian Song
Wow, so many to choose from!
I love Show Me Your Glory by Third Day.

Favorite Artist: Third Day

thanks for the giveaway!

Tracey said...

Favorite Christian Song...Why

Favorite Christian Artist...Nicole Nordeman

Thanks so much

Anonymous said...

Came over from Queen B's!! What a funny girl.
Favorite song Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns

Faavorite artist right now is David Nevue--a piano soloist

Thanks for the contest. I love TAR JAY!!!


Jenna said...

Song: Sanctuary
Artist: Amy Grant

TX Mom said...

Favorite song: El Shaddai by Amy Grant

Favorite artist: Michael W. Smith

I'm old school!