Three Generations of...Something

Faithful Chick posted an awe-inspiring interview of our three generations of bloggers.

Go over to her spot and check it out!


a Tonggu Momma said...

I absolutely promise that if you are ever in the DC Metro area, we will make sure that you meet the Tongginator!

Tammy said...

I enjoyed the interview. You gals are swell and my kind of people.

Pattik said...

PeepOne here. I think you girls
blogging is just great! You never know what is comin down, and that's
what keeps it real.
You girls really are funny!!

Anonymous said...

You gals are a trip! The interview was fun!

Michelle @ Sew-Krafty said...


Heather said...

When I click either link, I get an error " the page doesn't exist"...what am I doing wrong?


Jackie said...

This sure was fun to read. I love how you all are similar, but yet different enough to make things interesting. And the fact that you all just love each other so much is readily apparent.

Dawn said...

Fun to read! I love the interaction between the three of you. My mom, daughter and I are like that, too, except my mom lives 2,000 miles away. She retires soon and I'm hoping my parents will be moving here to TX.

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I loved your interview with Queen B and the Princess!:)