An Update
Today we had a luncheon and they gave away free tote bags. Beachy Mimi LOVES free tote bags.
Tonight we had a little reception in the ballroom. Oh, Peeps. There was a guy there with a Belt Buckle the size of a dinner plate. It had to be a rodeo champtionship buckle and he was right to be proud. But if he bent over? I'm just sayin...he would cut off his manly parts or give himself a liver transplant. I REALLY wanted a picture but I couldn't just aim at the belt. Just use your imagination on that one.
Thursday is the fashion palooza with the propane models. I WILL take photos of that.
Thursday night is the open mike talent show. Heh Heh.
Beachy Mimi and a little champagne...I might just enter.
Reports later.
I Have Been Captured...
It is time for the GREAT PROPANE CONVENTION in OKC. It has nothing to do with me. It has nothing to do with the Parental Unit. Sibling and his wife do have to be here. They forced me to come with the Parental Unit.
I'm not laughing.
I insisted on my own room because Parental Unit keeps the heat on...I just couldn't take it.
It will be 4 days of hot, boring and miserable meetings.
They are having a fashion show. With models. Propane models. The Parental Unit is one of them. That's why she loves to come. To model. Parental Unit is 85.
Sibling's wife is going to model, too. She also loves it.
They tried to get me to participate. NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I couldn't have made myself any clearer. I. Will. Not. Model. At. Propane.Convention...Ever.
Maybe I will wake up and all this will have been a dream (nightmare).
I have never seen so many costume blingy jewels since the 80's. Big hair. LOTS of eyemakeup.
I have decended to hell.
At least Parental Unit left the crockpot at home.
More Answers...The Final Edition
For one thing, as I have said earlier, I try to learn from my flub-ups and move on. Don't dwell on the bad stuff. Guilt/sadness/anger/bitterness really eat up a person on the inside.
One time I did something REALLY stupid. REALLY. I was so ashamed/embarrassed/mortified/sorry/you get the picture. A good friend from church said to me, "Beachy Mimi, Jesus already died on the cross for this. You are forgiven. When you give God's grace out to other people, keep a little for yourself."
That was a life changing time for me. Through much research and Bible study, I learned about forgiveness for myself and for other people. I felt cleansed.
From that time on I have totally changed my attitude toward life. I am much more laid-back, easy-going, relaxed and roll with the day kind of person. Where I used to stress obsessively about little hiccups in my life...they are just temporary. Nothing stays the same.
My attitude about God changed as well. I was raised in a church that dwelt on punishment and God's anger. That colored my outlook on all of life. Until the "incident". I got a crash course on GRACE and exactly what that means. God also revealed His sense of humor to me and my outlook turned positive with joy and laughter.
I just hope I pass that on to other people I come in contact with. Incorrect sentence, but you get my drift.
Teaching questions?
Well, I mostly taught first grade. Much of what I taught then is taught in Kindergarten now.
Kids are kids everywhere. They are hysterical in their thought patterns and story telling.
Oh, Peeps. The stories they told me about their families. Priceless.
The world is pretty small to a little kid. We used to have 30 plus kids to a classroom, which made it FULL. When my class would see me at the grocery store they would say, "Mrs. Beachy Mimi! You go to the grocery store, too?"
They thought I lived in my little storage closet. It was a walk-in closet and every time I would go in, there would be a little cluster of kids just outside the door to see if I was coming back.
I was introducing spelling words one time. The spelling list was new words that were going to be in the story for the week. It was a small school, and I think they got their textbooks from NEW YORK CITY. Some of the stories were way outside the language experience of the children and they were totally clueless about anything 20 miles out-of-town.
This particular story was about Scotland (three hands went up..."I've been there Mrs. Beachy Mimi. Is that over by Houston?") and kilts. When I introduced "kilt", one of the boys excitedly raised his hand and said, "Mrs. Beachy Mimi! My uncle "kilt" a man and he is in the pen (as in
Alrighty then. No recovery from that.
One year I had 20 boys. I love boys. I love girls. But 20 of one or the other in a class of 25 is just too much. I COULD NOT EVEN TURN MY BACK TO WRITE ON THE BOARD. They were trying to cut their hair, someone else's hair, pick, gouge, fall out of chairs...the list is endless.
It took several weeks just to get them sitting with their bottom in their own chair.
A lot of children lose teeth in the first grade and my classes were never an exception. I made a large tooth and the toothless person got to sign and date the tooth and then got a certificate to take home to Mom.
One little girl DUG HER TOOTH OUT WITH A PENCIL, SITTING UNDER HER DESK so she could get a certificate. I was mortified. The tooth was loose, but she walks up to me with a big smile, the tooth in her hand and blood all over everything. I got her cleaned up and fifteen minutes later she is BACK UNDER THE DESK GOING AT ANOTHER TOOTH. We had to have a L O N G talk. Only one tooth per day!!
I read The Boxcar Children to all my classes. Every single class loved it and I loved having that informal read and chat time. What imaginations! Circle time was a highlight of every day.
We made some great stuff. Cookbooks written by them were a favorite. We had plays, dress-ups, our own parades and EVERYONE learned to read.
Everyone got hugs and love everyday from Mrs. Beachy Mimi. I don't even know if that would be allowed now. All I know is, they blossomed...I got more out of them than if I had been a mean old bag. AND we got to lunch on time. A big deal back in the day.
I have been drenched in throw-up, blood, snot, drool and other body fluids I'm not ready to think about.
I took my shoes off one afternoon, looked up and EVERYONE had their shoes off. Too funny.
Some of my students are now teachers themselves. Time passes so quickly.
As most of you are getting your little ones ready to start another year, just remember...
More Answers and Other Nonsense
Next BIG ADVENTURE? Beachy Mimi has no plans at the present time. Must save some coin. Between taxes due, Christmas coming and the Palooza Birthday for the Princess I must plan and save. I would love to go back to Alaska, Hawaii, NYC, ANYWHERE. I want to see everything. Which answers another question, "Where in the world would you like to go?"
Starting with the USA, I would love to travel and see all. My greatest desire would be to do it in a REALLY NICE SOUPED UP RV, taking my time and stopping whenever. After the USA, maybe Canada, London, Italy, Australia, or anything with a beautiful beach.
I do not own a home or condo at the beach. All my adult life I have been told, "No, you don't like the beach. Really. You don't. Remember?" Well, Mimi found out that she LOVED the beach and the beachy, relaxed environment. LOVED IT. So, Mimi became Beachy Mimi, and Beachy Mimi is at the beach in her mind ALL THE TIME.
"What do I do for myself everyday?" Oh, Peeps. Beachy Mimi is a selfish creature. VERY.
My time with God is the best thing I do for myself. Next to that it would have to be pampering.
Pampering the skin, to include hair, nails, toes, feet, and all over skin. Someday I hope to add lots of exercise to the list...
"Favorite beauty product?" That's tough. I love Obaji skincare, but basically cleansing, exfoliating, moisturinzing and treatment (wrinkles, Peeps). Must do all that everyday to keep the Birthday Fairy kind to you, so you won't look like she beat the crap out of you with her wand.
It is an ongoing battle.
"Most embarassing moment?" Do you mean today? There are so many...I try to keep them blocked from my mind or I would spend all my time sucking my thumb under the bed.
"Regrets in life?" I think it would be the people I have hurt throughout my life. I have learned so much from all my goofups and I don't think I would trade those lessons for a redo. They have just all been the pattern of my life that the Lord has set before me, and the lessons HE has taught me (some much harder than others). Regrets are really pointless to me because I can't, do them over, but I can do better next time.
"Something I'm proud of?" Motherhood is numero uno but I am also thankful that I finished college. I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Elementary Education, and won an award from another state for teaching. Who cares? I know. But someone asked.
"Funny parenting moment?" Well, I have always shopped with an alias, that is, instead of Beachy Mimi I might be DESERT DONNA or MOUNTAIN MYRTLE. That's just in case I do or say something so stupid I would never want it attributed to me, Beachy Mimi. The Parental Unit and I have done this as a private joke for YEARS. We don't talk about it, we just do it between ourselves as a little humor.
When my Queen B was 2, we were in the mall. Beachy Mimi had her all "pinked-out" with a little bonnet, dress, sandals, painted nails (I kid)and she looked like a beautiful doll with black hair and dark brown eyes. People were always coming up to look and speak to her and on one of the occasions someone said, "What is your name, little girl?" Remember, she is 2. She looks the questioner right in the eye and says "AMY".
Her name is Queen B, not Queen A , as in Amy. The Parental Unit and I fell out laughing because she apparently decided to have an alias herself. So, on that particular day, she was "Amy" the whole day.
While I'm on the topic of Queen B, she has been choosing her wardrobe since she could point,
SERIOUSLY. She proudly wore some pretty strange get-ups. Most all the breakages, mess-ups and naughty behavior was perpetrated by "Kelly", the invisible girl that lived across the street??? That Kelly. She really got around and caused lots of mischief for the Queen.
When the Princess came up with the invisible friend, "Pootie", I laughed my head off at the Queen's consternation. Payback is SO GREAT.
Hey, that may be the best part of parenting. Seeing your own children get payback from their children....I'll mull on that and get back to you later, Peeps!
Answers to the teaching question will be a post for another day.
The Great Pea Search of 2008
Thank you so much for your positive feedback on the new "look". Shauna did a fabulous job.
I have no idea who the feet belong to. Maybe Shauna? Not mine.
I also thank you for asking questions. I will be answering them over the next few days.
Beachy Mimi shed tears over THE MAN. Beachy Mimi NEVER cries. Ever. Well, except for commercials and movies. What's up with that? Could it be delayed reaction from the divorce? Rejection issues? Needs more sleep? Hmmm. Strange. Anyway, HE is history.
I have changed my strategy. Instead of looking, I am waiting to be found. Doesn't that sound romantic? It will happen, too. Stay tuned...
So, the other day we have four generational shopping. That is, Parental Unit, Beachy Mimi, Queen B and the Princess. Let me just insert here that the Princess is the greatest shopping buddy ever. We score lots of hits. She is not a selfish shopper, either. She is always wanting to get things for other people in her life...mostly her mom. That's so sweet. When she was about four, I would take her to the Dollar Store to pick out something for her mother. Nine times out of 10 she chose liquid dishwashing soap. After all, that's what her mom used alot !
Anyway, after our day out, the Parental Unit and I were on the way back to Chaos when she declared, "I want some peas to shell."
Alrighty then.
Around Chaos, there are lots of little vegetable stands set up by farmers to sell the goodies they grow. It is like a Farmer's Market on an individual basis. That makes for LOTS of stops, Peeps.
The Parental Unit loves peas almost as much as she loves a roast in the crockpot. She ordered a "pea sheller" from the internet in anticipation of the summer bounty.
Stop after stop. No peas. Pea season OVER. It was LAST WEEK. Who knew?
Parental Unit was devastated not to be able to use the pea sheller. Devastated. The Sibling and I are calling all around Chaos to see if there is a farmer we missed. That might have some peas.
To answer a couple of the questions:
Cooking? I can hear the laughter and snorting of the Queen B all the way to my house. I did cook when she was growing up. When the Queen departed for college, we found we had this new freedom call "eating out" "going to movies, even on a school night" "eating what we wanted". This freedom caused serious cooking issues that are still present to this day. I cook what I want, when I want. I eat lots of fruit. I eat out. I love ham sandwiches. The cooking gene went from Parental Unit straight to the Queen. They are serious. They experiment.
They read cookbooks for entertainment. Not me. Give me the latest spy novel and I'll skip a meal to read THAT.
Another question was about anger at the Queen B. I have never been MAD at her. Frustated, disappointed, hurt, homicidal? Yes to all those. She was a very normal girl growing up to do very normal things. They were just a part of her personality and stage in life. I was a pretty stern disiplinarian, but behind her back I was cracking up. I even found the "sassy" funny (behind her back). Who was this pint- sized, snot- nosed kid attempting to defy with not a chance of succeeding? Too funny. If I had any advice for parents, it would be "lighten up".
Okay, one more. My favorite meal to eat at home is chicken and rice. To eat out it is sea bass. My favorite drink is Coka-Cola and I drink WAY too much.
My greatest achievement? Motherhood hands down. It way eclipses any award, career or anything. I loved it and love it still. God called me to be a mother.
Any advice for those in your 30's? Don't worry. God is in control and don't take yourself so seriously. Lighten up on your kids a little bit, but don't ever take your eyes off them. For a minute.
Beachy Mimi out...will return with more answers. Have a fabulous and fun weekend, Peeps!
Thanks, Shauna!
I have been reading some really inspirational blogs this week. You, Peeps, are deep thinkers.
Not so much of that going on here. My blog serves a little bit different purpose. I love and admire all of you and your beautiful writing. Just amazing.
I'm topic-challenged again...THE MAN did officially "break-up" with Beachy Mimi--through an e-mail. Do I know how to pick a class act or what!?!
So, MOVING ON, the search for the sugar daddy will continue.
This is going to be embarrassing. Very embarrassing.
If ya'll have a question for Beachy Mimi, just leave it in the comments and I'll answer it. That's not the embarrassing part. The fact that I will probably get ZERO questions will embarrass me to pieces. Not really. I'll just make up some stuff and blog about it. Heh Heh
Unfortunately, Beachy Mimi does not embarrass easily, she just laughs at herself and moves on.
So, Peeps, if you have a desire to know anything about the life of Beachy--have at it.
I might even tell you some stuff on Queen B. Heh Heh Heh Heh
The C-Store
Over time, the filling station morphed into the convenience store or c-store.
Those have even changed in the last 10 years or so, with the large company stores like 7-Eleven,
Raceway, Pilot, etc. taking over the larger part of the market.
In the beginning, the filling stations transformed themselves into Mom and Pop independent c-stores. They have almost disappeared. Driving off the interstate on my vacation, I was reminded of some of the unique names these business used to emphasize their "quickness" and "speed of transactions". I should have written them down.
Here are a few examples:
Green Hornet
The Happy Hog
Git 'N Go
Gas 'N G0
Stop 'N Shop
Anyway, you get the idea. Do you have any unique c-store names in your area? Please share!
In trying to come up with a topic for today, I decided to list a bunch of Beachy Mimi favorites, in no particular order. Like you care. Anyway, here goes:
Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption
Favorite ice cream: Blue Bell Cookies and Cream
Favorite drink: Coca Cola Classic
Favorite veggie: potatoes
Favorite fruit: bananas
Favorite color: pink
I drive: PT Cruiser
Favorite book in the Bible: James
Favorite author: Christian Fiction-Karen Kingsbury ; Mystery/Fiction-Vince Flynn
Favorite actor/actress: none
Favorite TV channel: National Geographic
Favorite News channel: FOX
Hobby: sleep, reading, travel
Pet: Harry, the cat
Collection: pigs
Favorite article of clothing: jeans, flip flops, shorts, tee-shirts
Want to travel to...Alaska, next (again) & always ready for the beach
Issues: obsessive/compulsive
Temperment: melancholy/phlegmatic
Enjoy the most: spending time with my daughter and grand-daughter
Wish I was: tall and tan
Glad I'm not: mean and nasty
Favorite color lipstick: anything but orange
Favorite makeup: not sure, still trying mineral makeup
Best beauty advice: sunscreen
Personality: quiet (believe it or not)
Best trait: ? maybe sense of humor
Favorite activity: laughing
Occupation: Beachy Mimi
Favorite bedtime preparation activity: hot bubble bath
Like bling: yes
Favorite stores: Target, Nordstrom
Dislike: Wal-Mart, actions of mean-spirited people, road and cell phone abusers
Favorite job ever: teaching first grade
Worst job ever: checker
When I grow up: I want to be a meterologist
Favorite city: Dallas
Would like to: speak another language
Fingernails/toenails: painted
Best hair product: Aquage molding paste
Current hair color: ha ha ha blonde
Demographic: AARP
Favorite room in the house: bedroom
Have too many: shoes, books
Currently learning: computer stuff
Last book read: Imposter by Davis Bunn
Favorite Broadway musical: Chicago
Tendency to be: boring, maybe?
Irritants: fussy people
Greatest accomplishment: motherhood
Favorite lotion: Gold Bond
Favorite scent: honeysuckle
Favorite flower: gerber daisy (pink)
Favorite season: Fall
This is so lame!! If anyone else is lacking is subject matter feel free to copy. I'll try to do better tomorrow.
Hope you have a good evening, Peeps!
The Man...he has not called at all.
Beachy Mimi is so sad.
Actually, Beachy Mimi is good and p*ed, err MAD.
The MAN was given every opportunity to adore Beachy Mimi. I mean, what's not to love?
It couldn't be my age. The MAN is 10 years older than me. Besides, age is in your mind. I didn't see too many other Mimi's parasailing with their grandchildren.
Perhaps it was my love for spa activities and pampering. I thought I concealed that from him pretty well.
Could it be my OCD personality? Surely not. I don't think he has conversed with QUEEN B.
The Parental Unit offered to introduce me to "a nice boy from church". It just so happens that the "boy" is 6'6", and 350 pounds. Beachy Mimi could be suffocated. I'm just sayin...
Now I realize from my earlier post that God is just protecting me from something worse on down the line. But Peeps, Beachy Mimi's heart is TENDER, and CRUSHED, and BRUISED, and BLEEDING, and BROKEN, and STOMPED ON. There has been is liquid streaming from my eye cavaties that have nothing to do with allergies. I'm sucking my thumb again. By morning I will be under the bed . Oh the DRAMA!!
Someone out there wants a shy dinner companion to listen to all his golf exploits and trophies he has won. Beachy Mimi is shy and timid hush B, and not overpowering in the least... Beachy Mimi is so docile, and sweet, and kind...hush, B.
Road Rage seems to be the number one irritant, closely followed by rude/inconsiderate cell phone users, rudeness in general and a personal toilet tissue!!
I know I have issues. I get a thrill when two semis block the road so lane cheaters can't zoom to the head of the line and cut in to save 10 minutes. Bad drivers irritate the heck out of me but according to THE QUEEN B, I am one of them.
I had a pastor once that claimed that the things that irritate us most are the things that WE are most guilty of. Huh. That hurt.
I am guilty of bad cell phone manners. I need to improve. I try to NEVER be rude, but I'm sure I am sometimes by just being unobservant or unaware. I have been known to mispronounce a word or three. But, if you come to my house, I DON'T USE CHEAP TOILET PAPER!
Thanks so much to all you Peeps who entertained me with the issues! As always, I wish I had a gift card for everyone. The winner by random drawing is...Tracey at GRACE COMES BY HEARING. E-mail me at beachymimi(at)gmail(dot)com with your address and I'll mail the card to you!
Another thing that makes me grind my teeth a is the misuse of plurals. It is Wal-Mart, not Wal-Marts. We have a physician named Dr. Patrick, not Dr. Patricks. I could go on..but I won't.
We all need to take a deep, cleansing breath and have a good week.
Until tomorrow...
Fun Friday Giveaway

Time is up!! Winner announced in a little bit.
In honor of the end-of-the-week and the fact that Beachy Mimi is feeling good and happy, we have a little giveaway at the Beachy house.
I just need to let you know that I do not like Wal-Mart. The reasons are various and of no importance here. Target is my love. LOVE.
However, Target is not open yet here in Chaos. Not until October. In the meantime, I have no access to a Target gift card. There is a WM just down the street. As BAD as I dislike going in there, I love you, my Peeps.
So, just for YOU, PEEPS, I will enter the dungeon and purchase a $100.00 giftcard to give one of you randomly.
All you have to do (hey, I need some entertainment) is tell me a Pet Peeve. I know everyone has them. Just tell me and leave me a way to get in contact with you.
Giveaway ends at 4 pm EDST. On Sunday.

A little background. Friend is 20 days older than me. We grew up in the same country church.
Our grandmothers were best friends and lived by each other for a period of time. My Parental Unit is several years older than Friend's, but they still all grew up together, too.
We both married high school sweethearts within 6 months of each other. Of course she was in my wedding and I was in her wedding.
Jobs, careers, and life took us down different paths for several years. We've lived far apart and have been busy rearing children, being wives, working and all the other stuff that makes up a person's life.
Now, here we are, finding out that we have come kind of full circle and, well, here we are.
Friend is a first grade teacher......Beachy Mimi was a first grade teacher until early retirement.
Friend is divorced after 30+ years of marriage. You all know Beachy Mimi's voyage down that path.
I wouldn't say we were "chummy" now, but it is nice to visit with someone who knows you to your "core" and was watching and walking along side you as your values and beliefs were being formed and tested.
I am really getting to a point. Be patient!
Dinner was basically a "life review" and was pretty sweet and sometimes sad.
The one thing we have both discovered......all our disappointments, yearning for things or opportunities that never came, wishes, pleadings and desires that never seemed to come true.
God was there the whole time...PROTECTING US.
All those instances and opportunities we felt so immediate and important. All those times things didn't go quite the way we thought they should. Times when we thought "Where are you, God?". HE was there alright. Protecting us from the consequences that we couldn't see
from our viewpoint of life at that time.
Wow! I can remember being so upset/disappointed about things I thought were failures that were actually victories. Maturity has helped me to see that...finally.
My point is, I am BLESSED. You are BLESSED. What we sometimes think is "Hey that's not fair. I deserved that________________." That disappointment is God protecting you from the repercussions down the road...troubles from choices we make without all the information.
Even now there are things in life I just don't understand. I have a tendency to crawl under the bed, fetal position sucking my thumb and whining "Why?????"
Instead, I'm going with the approach of "Thank you, Lord, for saving me from myself and my choices, and even desires I may have that are not right for me."
That, Peeps, is a full time job!!

I love everything about it. The preparation...the hot bubble bath, shaving my legs, clean and crisp sheets, a fan, a noise machine, the perfect pillow (s) stacked just so, fun pajamas, etc.
I love the feeling of sleepiness. The drowsy, relaxed feeling just before you nod off...
Well, Peeps, it is GONE. SEVERED from my life by a cruel and evil monster. Menopause.
At one point in my life, I could drop off to sleep in 6.4 seconds anytime, anywhere.
No. More. Sleep.
In the beginning, I was rudely awakened by flashing also known as Hot Flashes where you are totally soaked to the skin in an instant. Miserable. Change clothes. Change sheets. Still can't sleep.
That finally passed, but the sleeplessness has remained.
I have done so many things to try to find a remedy. It is not to be had. Sleep and I have parted ways.
So, my message to you is SLEEP NOW. SLEEP AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. Someday you, too, will be a Mimi and face the evil monster.
Just Rambling

First on the agenda was to get the Parental Unit a t-shirt that said, "Got Crabs?". PeepOne and Beachy Mimi thought this to be hilarious and a great gift for the PU.
I crack myself up.
There is a store I love in Destin called "Fresh Produce". Their summer wear is so colorful and "beachy" and comfortable. I seriously overdid. Especially after THE TICKET.
We also had a marvelous meal at "The Bonefish Grill". I love, love sea bass and their's is delightful.
I am allergic to shellfish so I did not share in the delight of PeepOne, who ate TONS of crabs.
Nope, sea bass or hamburgers for me.
The Queen B is taking a bloggy break. Peeps, she must really be tired to do this. Her summer has been non-stop and crazy. I have never seen a person cram so much stuff into a day...
Can I tell you that 10 days without internet access was terrible? It is one thing if you decide to take a break, it is quite another to have a break forced on you by computer malfunction. I am not "techy" in the least. When I have to get help for some computer issue, I feel so sorry for the helper on the phone who (a) does not understand English, (b) does not understand a "Southern" accent, and, (c) can't communicate with me because I don't know "tech-speak". Like, "Is your router on?" and I say, "Which box is that?" It is pretty sad.
In fact, it is amazing that I can blog at all. I know NOTHING about computers. Everything I do is by accident.
Harry, the cat, is suffocating me since my return. For the last two nights I have been awakened to his standing on my chest. He weighs 15 pounds so that is quite a sleep depriver.
That totally has nothing to do with anything, but as you can tell, I'm drawing a big blank here for subject matter. Just bear with me. I'm just out of practice. I'll soon be back to talking about inappropriate subjects before you know it.
Speaking ya'll do hot tubs? Beachy Mimi does NOT. I cannot imagine putting the tootie in used water...eww. I cannot take a bath in a tub I have not personally scrubbed. Very protective of the tootie.
Well, there you go. Inappropriate subject matter at last. I haven't lost my touch.....
There will be a giveaway later this week.....
The Spa Ho's Are Back!

Hey Now! Hey Now! The Ho's are back.
They had so much time they got an extra facial.
Hey now, Hey now, the ho's are back.
I could totally justify this little splurge. It was hot. It was sticky. The fireworks were not going to start for several hours. We were wasting We found a spa. A WONDERFUL Spa with fabulous massages and facials. We met a new blogger/lurker friend and were entirely limp when the whole process was over. Too limp to worry about fireworks. We went to bed. It was the greatest 4th ever!!
I must confess. YES, CONFESS. I got a moving violation commonly called a SPEEDING TICKET. I Sssssssssooooooooo had it coming. My speed has been creeping up slowly for the past couple of years. 55 means 57 or 59. 65 means 70. 75 means just take off and go with the flow of the traffic... not anymore.
This Beachy Mimi will follow the letter of the law on speed limits. The officer was very cute and very polite and professional. It's just that you've got no recourse than to say "busted" to
the very attractive law officer when you got caught doing 70ish in a 55.
The very cute attractive law officer doesn't care that the road is flat, you are the only cars on the road for miles, and the only witnesses to this driving drama are fields of corn, cotton and soybeans. Nope. Doesn't mean a thing to him.
I haven't had a ticket since I was 16.
WELL I DO NOW. It will seriously make a dent in my fun money for the rest of the summer.
We are almost perfect driving citizens for the rest of our trip. Amost. Heh Heh. Maybe one or two or seven uies (u turns) SAFELY made to correct our course direction.
More trip info later. A big hearty thanks to PeepOne for doing most of the driving after the ticket incident.
We are tired. But by tomorrow we'll be ready to tell you more about our adventures.
Come on back later!!
We're Baaack!!!
See You On Down The Road
Harry vs. THE FROG
personality, and is the life of the party NOT. Anyway, I do love him.
I was minding my own business and I kept hearing a "thump thump" in my hallway. I just assumed that it was Harry playing with one of his many cat toys that he "bats" around with his paw.
Nope. Not. Even. Close.
It was a frog. A real, live, hopping frog. In my hallway. Coming toward me.
I'm basically not a squeamish person, but the thought of a frog in my house just totally grossed me out. I yelled for Harry. Nothing. I yelled again. Nothing. I step over the frog and go look for my 14 lb. killer cat. I found him. Hiding. Behind a door.
I pick him up and carry him to the frog location. I put him beside the frog and they just stare.
Finally the frog starts to hop and Harry jumps UP three feet. The frog continues hopping down the hall and Harry is now "slinking" or dragging his belly down the hall behind the frog, I hope in pursuit.
Nope. Not a chance.
The frog gets to the back door and I "help" him across the threshold, into the garage.
Now the frog in in the garage, out of the house, and I put Harry out there to do what cats are supposed to do when they are confronted with a small object that hops.
Nothing. I got nothing.
Harry rolled over on his back similar to the photo above so I could rub his fat tummy. Big weenie.
I put the frog outside. He can obviously take care of himself. Harry...not so much.