We stayed in Cape Town for a couple of days. I don't have alot of photos to show you because I just hate to carry a camera with me always. I was frustrated because my zoom wouldn't work, plus I just like to experience in the moment.

A street shot.
We went downtown to see the Houses of Parliament and the glorious park across the street. I saw my first and only squirrel there! We have squirrels in abundance here, but baboons are much more plentiful in South Africa.
They are on the side of the road, at roadside parks and scenic stops. They love to mess with you and snatch purses or any snacks you might leave unattended. I really wanted a baboon or monkey encounter, as I had been led to believe I would see them everywhere. Nope. Nada. Zilch.
The shots I did get are very hard to see.
Another thing that was a little unusual for me. Many Europeans traveling (and there are MANY) rent rooms from people and stay in homes instead of motels or hotels.
We stayed in a house with a family that rented 5 bedrooms to tourists, each with a private bath.
The bedroom. No airconditioning.

Burgular bars outside our back windows. Hmmm.

The front gate of our guesthouse with the killer watchdogs. Everyone has guard dogs.

The house across the street had a Great Dane.

The other end of the driveway. Space is a premium.

Second floor patio. Notice how close all the houses are.

The very small "yard".

Sorry about the pooper scooper, but I wanted to give you a view of the swimming pool.

A view from the house at sunset looking out toward the Atlantic/Indian Ocean combo.
The water is very cold here and the beach is not good for swimming. But, it is still beautiful.
Just on the horizon you see a thin stretch of land that is Robbin Island. This is
the jail location of Nelson Mandela during part of his 27 years in prison.