That Was Too Gross

So sorry, Peeps.   That was just gross.   However, I try to keep you informed about all things spa, beauty and the world around.

Mr. Wonderful was so impressed with the iky(boys) he has already ordered a machine and will have it when I return home.

He can't wait to see what comes out of him...just keeping it real.

So, now, something pretty...

The beach is so beautiful at sunset.   I guess the sunrise is too.  I wouldn't know.  heh heh

And show you something else ugly.  I need a pedi!   BAD.  I can hear Queen B saying M-O-T-H-E-R!!

Just keeping it real here at Beachy Mimi.

I think I may do a beach toe search.  Have you ever noticed that some people wear sandals and their toes hang off?   It has become a mimi-obsession with PeepOne and me. 

I think we are going to start a tally and report back to you.

Not that I would EVER take unauthorized toe shots of anyone.  Heh Heh.

I love my Peeps.


linda said...

I took unauthorized pics of feet at a wedding one time - later shared it with bridge and groom. It was great!

PeepOne said...

PeepOne here.....that toe picture is funny! The feet hanging off the shoes is horrible....people really need to buy their shoes bigger...just sayin. We must get a pedi quick!!!

Edwina at The Picket Fence said...

LOl, you just made me look at my toes. My pedicure from last week is still in tact and as far as I know my toes don't hang over, so I am feeling safe that I want make your picture post. Loved this post. Laughter is good for the soul.